Cindy's Snowflakes

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Didnt forget

I know that I never write on here, but I dont want to give up this blog...Ill find some use for it, it is just so pretty and snowy and CHRISTMASY!!! I know thats a made up word, but oh well! lol

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Prayer Meeting

We had our monthly prayer meeting today. Pastor had asked us to think of at least one person we want to pray for their salvation. Immediately a friend that I have known most of my life came to mind. I don't want to say her name on here so I don't embarrass her, but she has been going through such a rough time lately. And because she doesn't have the Lord in her life, she is looking for a worldly way to fix her problems. I want to be a good example to her and a good witness to her. The problem is I think she is having trouble getting past the person I use to be. Because she is so far away and has not seen me in such a long time, all she knows is that old Cindy. The problem is not the changing, but that I claimed to be a christian while I was doing all of those horrible things. So I am again claiming to be a christian, so in her eyes, whats the difference?
It is so hard to be a good witness and example to people you have known for a long time. They know your weaknesses, your mistakes, everything. And sometimes I fell that they have you under a microscope waiting for you to make that one mistake, to catch you sinning and then judge you for it. I know forgiveness takes time, and gaining ones trust back also takes time, but how do you witness to someone who does not believe you have changed?
Please pray for my friend, and pray for me, that we will have patience with each other, and that I can win her to Christ before it is too late.

Friday, February 25, 2011

So it has been awhile since I have wrote in my blog. Life gets busy, things happen. I dont even know if I will keep this one, but I am starting another one that will follow my weight loss. I invite you to follow it as well. I really like what I have done with this blog so I might keep it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Been awhile

Sooo yeah, its been quite awhile since I have wrote. Have been quite sick for a few weeks and just getting back into the swing of things. Not too much going on thats new. OH! My best friend is pregnant! Not Katie, my other one If you know Katie, you should know better than to think it was her. But I am pretty excited about it. I know she is. Pray for her. She has 2 boys is almost 2, and the other is not even a year...she will have her hands full. But I will help her through it. And she wants a girl. She just found out and could be as much as almost 4 months along. So we may know the sex soon enough! Thats all for now. HOPEFULLY I will write soon!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I still dont have pictures up here for you to look at, but they are on my facebook account. Hope everyone is going to be having a face and Godly New Year. This whole "resolution" thing I am not so sure about. How many of us have actually ever kept a resolution? For the WHOLE year? I always believe that you should try to better yourself in many ways, but putting an actual label on it and only doing it one time a year feels very superficial to me. Thats no different than only being thankful for the blessing the Lord provides at Thanksgiving time.
There are certain things in my life that I am going to try to improve about myself. As a Christian, wife, and as a person in whole. I am going to try to not be angry at those who treat me bad, and I am going to try not to gossip about them if I DO get angry. I am going to be a better daughter to our Heavenly Father and trust in Him to supply my every need. To cry on His lap when I need to. To ask Him for a hug when I need one (thank you Katie). I am going to be the best wife I can to my husband and put my trust in him. And I am going to REALLY work on my health.
The fact that this is happening right at the beginning of the year doesnt really matter. These things have been heavy on my heart for quite some time now. Wednesday nights message was kind of the topper on the cake and I just decided to do what I know I should have been doing all along.
If you are into the whole New Years resolution thing, thats fine. Take that opportunity to examine yourself and see how you can better yourself for the Lord. In doing so, you will not just have a better spiritual life, but you will find that it will spill over into other aspects of your life, such as your marriage, your friendships, and even those pesky people that just seem to annoy you Happy New Years everyone!!!! May God bless you and your family!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I am pretty sick right now. Not sure what is going on with me but I am trying to get into see the doctor tomorrow. After I feel better, I will post pics from Christmas Eve and Day. Hope I feel better by Wednesday, it my birthday. With David being laid off we arent able to do anything, but it would just really stink if I was sick on my birthday! Talk to you all soon!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry CHRISTmas Everyone!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!! Hope yall are enjoying your holiday season with the people you love. For us, the holidays are usually spent with some good Godly church family. One thing that I have learned recently is that the closer I get to the Lord, the farther away I get from certain friends and family. It was a REALLY tough time I was going through debating on what to do about it. David's family lives here in Pa, but there are only a couple of the family members that, as Christians, we would wish to be around them. And I have a very special friend that we usually spend the holidays with, but she wants the things of this world and I dont. It is AMAZING that when you REFUSE to choose, God chooses for you!!!! Not always what our choice would have been, but the right one.
As you grow closer to the Lord, you may lose a few friends, and maybe even family along the way, but remember, CHRIST IS THE BEST FRIEND YOU COULD EVER HAVE. And if you are in a good Bible believing church, you wont have a better family than the one you have there. I love my family very much and wish I could be with them during this holiday season, but I couldnt find any better people to spend it with than my church family. Lets remember to keep Christ not just in Christmas, but in our hearts and lives as well. No matter what the cost! Merry Christmas bloggers!!!!! May God bless you are yours this Christmas Day!!!!
