Cindy's Snowflakes

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Prayer Meeting

We had our monthly prayer meeting today. Pastor had asked us to think of at least one person we want to pray for their salvation. Immediately a friend that I have known most of my life came to mind. I don't want to say her name on here so I don't embarrass her, but she has been going through such a rough time lately. And because she doesn't have the Lord in her life, she is looking for a worldly way to fix her problems. I want to be a good example to her and a good witness to her. The problem is I think she is having trouble getting past the person I use to be. Because she is so far away and has not seen me in such a long time, all she knows is that old Cindy. The problem is not the changing, but that I claimed to be a christian while I was doing all of those horrible things. So I am again claiming to be a christian, so in her eyes, whats the difference?
It is so hard to be a good witness and example to people you have known for a long time. They know your weaknesses, your mistakes, everything. And sometimes I fell that they have you under a microscope waiting for you to make that one mistake, to catch you sinning and then judge you for it. I know forgiveness takes time, and gaining ones trust back also takes time, but how do you witness to someone who does not believe you have changed?
Please pray for my friend, and pray for me, that we will have patience with each other, and that I can win her to Christ before it is too late.

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