Cindy's Snowflakes

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where has CHRISTmas gone?

When my husband came home from his night job tonight(Walmart), he informed me that they are no longer allowed to say, "Merry Christmas" to the customers, but they MUST say, "Happy Holidays". Now Ive known for some time now that every Christmas season this has been quite an issue for some people, but to actually FORCE them to not say it is absolutely appalling!
They say it is our "civic duty" to be "politically correct" so we dont offend anyone. But what about us God fearing Christians? Do they not think that it would not offend us to have to leave Christ out of a holiday that was made to celebrate his birth? Every year it seems like we get farther and farther away from the real meaning and purpose of Christmas. Dont get me wrong, as you can see from my blog I OBVIOUSLY enjoy the snowmen, music, etc. of the season. But I also make sure to include the REAL reason for the season.
It seems like so many are caught up in things like Black Friday and mall santas that they have no time for their families, friends, NOR Christ. If we would all concentrate more on being with our families and teaching our children WHY we celebrate this holiday, maybe saying, "Merry Christmas" wouldnt be such a major issue.
I challenge you this "shopping" season, to not let any store go untracked. Carry a stack of tracks with you where ever you go. Every shop, every store, give one to every person. Make sure that they know some people still know what this holiday actually means! And when you give out your gifts, especially to your kids, make sure that they dont just thank you, but thank the Lord for providing what they were given. Thanksgiving shouldnt be the only time of year that we are thankful.

1 comment:

  1. I just came across your blog and enjoyed reading it:) God bless!!

