Cindy's Snowflakes

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

God Will Provide Himself a Lamb

Today in my daily Bible reading I started at the birth of Isaac (Genesis 21). Then I went onto the offering of Isaac (22). In verse 7 it says that Isaac asked his father where the lamb for the burnt offering was and in verse 8 he answers him. Abraham told Isaac, "My son, God will provide himself a lamb".
Now I have heard this story and read this story many many times in my life. But it has never meant anything to me until now. Alot of times when I read the Bible it is a struggle for me to hear what the Lord is trying to tell me. And most times I do not hear it. But today as I sat there, I FINALLY heard the Lord speak through His Word!!! I am so excited about it!!! He told me, "Cindy, if you will just give it all to me, I will provide what you need". I have struggled with our tithing lately. We have always given, but given what I thought we could afford, not what God told me to give. I never asked His opinion about it. And ever since I have started giving what the Lord wanted me to, He has kept His promise and he has provided not what we WANT, but what we NEED.
And I have learned recently that when you have a giving heart, He will bless you. Not just toward Him, but others as well. Recently a family I know needed help and everyone was quick to do so. I am ashamed to say this, but the first thing that popped in my head was, "Why isn't anyone doing this for MY family?". And that was so wrong of me. But I am proud to say that I quickly turned that attitude around and even though we don't have much I gave what we could. And I prayed that whatever their need was that it would be met. And then I asked God to forgive me for ever thinking that and being so selfish that I would not think of others before myself.
I hope everyone can see my growth as a christian. I have been saved for awhile, but never applied anything to my life until the last 6 months or so. So I actually see myself as a new born babe in Christ. Be patient with me, Ill get there...:)

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